61 Acres – Burwick Rd
Property Summary
Clean 61 acres on Burwick & Lester Road just 6 miles west of Jacksboro, TX. The property is raw with electricity on Lester and Burwick Roads. Property has significant frontage on both Lester and Burwick. The property is level with predominantly mesquites on the west side and scattered post oaks on the east. There is a runoff creek running from the west that feeds the stock tank. Wildlife include whitetail, turkey, hogs, and dove. SOLD!
Shown by appointment only.
If cooperating broker/agent is not present during initial contact, showing(s), and/or negotiations, cooperating broker/agent will not be entitled to full cooperating fee, with the cooperating fee being at the sole discretion of Maddox Realty.
From Jacksboro, take Hwy 281 northwest for 4 miles and turn south on Lester Road. Go 2 miles south on Lester Rd, the property is on the northeast corner of the Lester Road and Burwick Rd intersection.
Shown by appointment only.
If cooperating broker/agent is not present during initial contact, showing(s), and/or negotiations, cooperating broker/agent will not be entitled to full cooperating fee, with the cooperating fee being at the sole discretion of Maddox Realty.
From Jacksboro, take Hwy 281 northwest for 4 miles and turn south on Lester Road. Go 2 miles south on Lester Rd, the property is on the northeast corner of the Lester Road and Burwick Rd intersection.